About Amithabha Foundation

Get to know about our Amithabha Foundation

AMITHABHA FOUNDATION is founded in 2017 by Mrs. WAGBIJE POOJA the Founder President and registered by the Government of Telangana, India. Registration Number: 145/2017

Our Aims & Objectives

We’re non-profit charity & NGO organization

1. Educational Programs.
2. Education, health, medical care and family welfare.
3. Women and child development.
4. Relief of the poor.
5. Socio-economic welfare.
6. Public utilities in general.
7. Research.



We’ve helped our
poor children

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Our Vision

To make sustainable impact on the human development of under-served communities through initiatives of Education, Health, Empowerment & Community Development etc,.

  • Our Mission AMITHABHA stands for :

    Association for Motivation Integration Team building Human Resourcing Awareness Development Building the Poor Helping others All over India and World.

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better life and future